如何删除Trovi /管道/搜索保护浏览器劫持恶意软件
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If your computer has been hijacked with an obnoxious malware that won’t let you change your home page, there’s a strong chance you’ve been infected with the Trovi Search Protect malware, which used to be known as Conduit. Here’s how to remove it.

如果您的计算机被一堆令人讨厌的恶意软件所劫持,而这些恶意软件无法让您更改主页,则很有可能您已感染了Trovi Search Protect恶意软件,该恶意软件以前称为Conduit。 这是删除方法。

How do you know this is malware? Instead of installing like it should, as a Google Chrome Extension, you’ll probably see that your extensions list doesn’t mention Trovi or Conduit at all. Instead, they are hijacking the browser process using Windows API techniques that no legitimate application should be using. For more details on that, you can read our series on .

您怎么知道这是恶意软件? 您可能会发现扩展列表中根本没有提到Trovi或Conduit,而不是像Google Chrome扩展那样进行应有的安装。 取而代之的是,他们使用Windows API技术劫持浏览器进程,而合法应用程序则不应使用该API。 有关更多详细信息,您可以阅读有关系列文章。

您是如何被感染的? (How Did You Get Infected?)

Usually at some point you made the huge mistake of trusting a site like Download.com, which bundled it into an installer for a completely different application. This is why you should be really careful .

通常,在某个时候,您会犯下一个严重的错误,即信任像Download.com这样的站点,该站点将其捆绑到用于完全不同的应用程序的安装程序中。 这就是为什么要格外小心的原因。

They get around the legality issue with their long terms of service that nobody reads and by making sure there’s actually a way to uninstall the thing. But as far as we’re concerned, anything that installs in a sneaky fashion and hijacks your other running processes is malware.

他们通过无人阅读的长期服务来解决合法性问题,并确保确实有一种方法可以卸载该东西。 但是就我们而言,任何以偷偷摸摸的方式安装并劫持您其他正在运行的进程的东西都是恶意软件。

删除Trovi Search保护恶意软件 (Removing the Trovi Search Protect Malware)

This is really sad to say, but it’s actually important to use the Search Protect panel to turn off the bad settings first before uninstalling it. You can find the Search Protect icon in the system tray and then double-click on it to open up the panel.

这真是痛心地说,但要使用搜索保护面板卸载之前先关闭坏设置它实际上是非常重要的。 您可以在系统托盘中找到Search Protect图标,然后双击它以打开面板。

In here, change your Home Page back to Google or whatever you want.


Now change your New Tab page back to Browser Default.


Change your Default Search back to “Browser default search engine.”


And then uncheck the “Enhance my search experience,” which is a lie, because it doesn’t enhance it at all.


Now head to Control Panel, find the Uninstall Programs section, and then find Search Protect and click the Uninstall button. While you are in here, you might want to uninstall anything else that says anything similar to “Search Protect.” If you see SaveSense, remove that too.

现在转到“控制面板”,找到“卸载程序”部分,然后找到“搜索保护”并单击“卸载”按钮。 在这里时,您可能想要卸载任何其他类似于“ Search Protect”的内容。 如果您看到SaveSense,也将其删除。

At this point your browser should be back to normal… but we aren’t done quite yet. There are still a lot of traces of this thing that we need to clean up.

至此,您的浏览器应该恢复正常了……但是我们还没有完成。 我们仍然需要清理很多东西。

使用Google Chrome浏览器软件删除工具 (Use the Google Chrome  Software Removal Tool)

If you are using Google Chrome, you are in luck because Google provides to make sure that all of these things are removed. Just , download and run it, and it will automatically detect and remove everything.

如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,那么您会很幸运,因为Google提供来确保所有这些内容。 只需 ,下载并运行它,它将自动检测并删除所有内容。

Once you start up your browser again, it will ask if you want to reset your browser settings. This will reset everything to defaults, including removing all troublesome extensions. It’s probably a good idea, although note that you’ll have to login to all of your sites again.

再次启动浏览器后,它将询问您是否要重置浏览器设置。 这会将所有内容重置为默认值,包括删除所有麻烦的扩展名。 尽管请注意,您必须再次登录所有站点,但这可能是一个好主意。

清理IE设置 (Clean Up IE Settings)

If you are using Internet Explorer, you should go to the Tools menu and find the Manage Add-ons item. In here, you can click on Search Providers and change your search back to what it should be. If you see Trovi in the list, click on it and then click Remove.

如果使用的是Internet Explorer,则应转到“工具”菜单,然后找到“管理加载项”项。 在这里,您可以单击“搜索提供程序”,然后将搜索更改回应有的状态。 如果您在列表中看到Trovi,请单击它,然后单击“删除”。

使用恶意软件扫描您的PC (Use Malwarebytes to Scan Your PC)

All of the above techniques will get your computer back to normal — at least as far as Trovi is concerned. But there’s a very strong chance that you’ve got other things hijacking your browser and spying on you.

以上所有技术都会使您的计算机恢复正常-至少就Trovi而言。 但是,您很有可能会劫持其他东西并监视您。

The best bet for cleaning up spyware and malware is . You might ask yourself why you wouldn’t just use your regular antivirus product, but the fact is that antivirus just doesn’t detect spyware very often. It’s only useful for viruses that try to destroy your PC, which are few and far between at this point. Almost all of the malware out there is trying to spy on you, redirect your browsing, and insert more ads into pages that you’re viewing. It’s all about the money.

清理间谍软件和恶意软件的最佳选择是 。 您可能会问自己为什么不只使用常规的防病毒产品,而事实是防病毒只是不能经常检测到间谍软件。 它仅对试图破坏您的PC的病毒有用,目前这种病毒很少。 几乎所有的恶意软件都试图监视您,重定向浏览并将更多广告插入您正在查看的页面。 这都是关于金钱的。

So the only really good product on the market that will find and remove spyware, adware, and other malware is . Luckily they have a free version that will let you clean up and remove everything — if you want to pay for the full version that has active protection to prevent these things from happening, that’s fine too.

因此,市场上唯一可以找到并删除间谍软件,广告软件和其他恶意软件的真正好的产品是 。 幸运的是,它们有一个免费版本,可让您清理并删除所有内容-如果您要购买具有有效保护功能以防止这些事情发生的完整版本,那也很好。

Once you’ve downloaded and installed it, you’ll be prompted to run a scan, so click that big green Scan Now button.


After it completes scanning, it’ll find a big huge list of things to remove. Click the Apply Actions button to actually remove all the malware.

完成扫描后,它将发现大量要删除的东西。 单击“应用操作”按钮以实际删除所有恶意软件。

You’ll want to reboot your computer to make sure that everything is fully cleaned up. If anything seems to come back, run Malwarebytes again, remove anything found, and then reboot again.

您需要重新启动计算机,以确保所有内容均已全部清除。 如果一切似乎恢复正常,请再次运行Malwarebytes,删除找到的所有内容,然后再次重新启动。



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